最近放寒假閒來無事【非凡樂器】Vic Firth耳機式隔音耳罩(SIH1)▶詳細官網資料▼隔音耳罩有效減低24分貝音壓,前陣子去逛街看到【非凡樂器】Vic Firth耳機式隔音耳罩(SIH1),就忍不住想buy下去。我對【非凡樂器】Vic Firth耳機式隔音耳罩(SIH1)也蠻有興趣的,去找了各種官網報導、介紹文,還有給顏伶看也說這真的特價蠻合理的。青槐說用谷哥搜尋宗教/文藝 樂器 樂器週邊 其他配件類會有更精闢訊息。想瞭解更多的鄉民可以訪問搜尋資訊來源去看一下喔。
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These isolation headphones are designed to protect musicians from the high sound levels associated with their instruments. Prolonged exposure to these excessive levels of noise can have traumatic and lasting effects, including hearing fatigue, tinnitus and permanent hearing loss.
These specially designed headphones drastically reduce the level of external sound reaching the musician's ears, offering valuable protection from potential damage. The SIH1 reduces overall noise levels by 24 decibels and features high quality stereo headphones. Unlike non-isolation headsets, where musicians typically crank the volume to very high and potentially damaging sound levels in order to hear the music clearly, the SIH1 reduces ambient noise from the instruments. This allows the musician to play along with the recorded music or monitor other performers in a live situation at comfortable and safe sound levels.
Designed in conjunction with Vic Firth Signature artist Rod Morgenstein, these headphones were made with the recording, performing and teaching musician in mind! When asked about the SIH1's, Rod commented, The concept of these headphones has changed my musical life! After years of using open air headphones in studios and practice at volume levels that were damaging my hearing - I can now use these new headphones for hours on end with no fatigue at all, and with no risk of hearing damage since I can listen at a comfortable volume level.
Visit your local Vic Firth dealer to check out the headphones today!
資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【非凡樂器】Vic Firth耳機式隔音耳罩(SIH1)